
I think the scariest thing to do in life is to fall in love.

To let go of all your inhibitions, all your fears, all your worries.

To love someone who can do no wrong in your eyes.

Senseless love,

Senseless emotion.

Those that choose to fall in love

Yes choose

Because the mere fact that you disobey your instincts telling you that breaking down all your walls can only end one way, most of the time – badly, is most definitely a choice

To all the lovers out there:

I salute you,

I applaud you.

Because what you do is brave

Very brave

Love exacts a pain unequalled on the rack.



She walks up the street

Head down

Hood up

The pavement is her catwalk and the rain is her music

She walks confidently

Taking her time with each stride

Dancing with the wind at her side

They are scared

Scared because her face is unseen

Scared because of the colour of her skin

But she is human

As real and as human as you or me

Yet they move swiftly to the other side of the street


She continues up the street

She notices a bunch of men behind her

That does not seem to change her manner

But she is aware

Aware of the potential risk

She plans her escape route in case things should go awry

They see her

They laugh and giggle

She notices that too, so her pace increases by two.

They follow her,

and just as she was about to turn the corner

They pass in front of her, smile, and keep on walking.



So I sit here, waiting

Waiting for you to give me a sign

Waiting for you to tell me that I am the one

We talk incessantly

Wishing and hoping, praying and dreaming


Together Is what I thought we were

What I thought you wanted us to be

It is crazy how one can get so deluded

So crazy in love it is freaking pathetic.

But little did I know

That while we were jamming to each other’s melody

You were in between the legs of your wife Melody.

So it is true?

Is it true that you wasted my time?

Is it true you are not the man of my life?

You hesitate –


You cannot give me a straight answer.

Just like the criss-crossed roads in Bagada

You are confused

Not sure how to explain it

But it’s okay, I have gotten the message

Good bye and good riddance to bad rubbish!


Banana Split

That was it.



It was over.

I so badly wanted to call you and tell you that I love you

I secretly wanted every red blink on my phone to be a message from you

I wanted to tell you that this was a mistake.

That my decision,

Our decision…

Wasn’t a good decision.

That we should still be together.

But then my brain connected to my heart and reminded it:

“This isn’t the right time,”

“You both don’t have time for each other.”

Screw time!

I want to be with you!

But again, I seldom wait before another thought pops into my head

You can’t be in a relationship by yourself,

You need communication,

And you’re not gonna’ get it.

So as much as I wanna’ scream,

As much as I wanna’ shout all the way up to the heavens that:

I insert name here, want to be with you

I can’t…

I shouldn’t…

And I won’t.

Right guy, wrong time,



No Words

Whether you like it or not, your life revolves around him.

He asks you to sit, you sit.

He asks you to wait, you wait.

You enjoy this level of control, because to you, he cares.

His every minute calls, constant texts and effortless words remind you that he is there.

It’s too late.

You love him.

You love him because he makes you laugh, he is witty, he is smart,

You tell yourself that he wasn’t always like this,

He wasn’t always this demanding.

He is just insecure.

He is intimidated because he knows how much he loves you.

You my friend, are in denial.

This is just the beginning of the end.

This level of possessiveness is not cute.

This level of control over your life and your Facebook, isn’t right.

But you won’t listen to me.

I am just your friend, not the love of your life.

I am sorry I have failed you.

Short of losing you as my friend,

I have written you this.

If you remain in this relationship, ask yourself this one question:

‘Is he really worth all of this?’



My heart cannot beat for nothing.

I get all the attention but never from you

Like a nightmare, you torment me

Delve into my subconscious

When you say you will call, but don’t

I don’t even know if it’s because you’re genuinely busy

Or you just don’t care

You choose to call me when you want to talk

Am I just your side bitch?

But I still like you,

Still drawn to you

I can’t say no.

I need someone to brainwash me,

Remind me that I’m suffering,

Because you were older,

I thought you were going to be more responsible

Guess I was wrong.

And now I am stuck.

Do you love me?

Or do you not?

That is the question.

By Georgette and Shalom



Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Little did I know that I can’t live any longer

Without you in my life I can’t get any stronger

As each day passes I contemplate about the days we had

What I thought was a ball of confusion were the best weeks I’ve ever had

My lover my friend, my soul mate…

Isn’t it funny that we never had a proper date?

Yet our conversations went on for hours talking about life, music and past liars

It was so easy to get caught up in the world’s prophecies

That it soon became their relationship and no longer ours

Hours and Hours of time had passed without a single word

A word from you is all I need to respire

Bring me back to life my lost choir

Your songs lifted my spirit and made all the pain go away

I’m sorry I hurt you, I hurt us, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of you

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Little did I know that I can’t live any longer

Without you in my life I can’t get any stronger

In answer to your first ever question,

It’s “Yes!” 



I really want to love you.

But I’m scared you might spoil me rotten.

Or chew me up like a dogs bone.

You might love me tenderly,

or let me go easy…

It’s all the same.

You are the risk.

If I was explicit you’d lose interest.

But if I don’t let you know, how can you know?

Boys are so slow in figuring out what they want at the right time.

A guy once said to me, “Girls know in 10 minutes, guys in 10 years…”

So far it seems to be true.

Your smile,

your voice,

you make me laugh,

Fill up my day –

You are who I think about.

I needed to let this out,

to let this go…

Cause the way things are going…

my love for you is confined to this poem.



Everyone is trying to be who they think they should be

Tryna’ fit into everyone’s perception of reality

But that is never going to bring out your true personality

Flashy cars, Tiffany rings, Louboutin shoes,

Gucci belts, Porsche cars, Brazilian weave,

Is that really who you are?

Or is that mainly who you think you ought to be.

Living your life in such a wander less fashion,

Claiming your inventive, yet, you follow the next person.

You are just a mixed up ball of confusion,

A juxtaposition, but above all,

A self – hating hypocrite



I want to be loved

I want to be held

I want you to hold me.

Hold me tight, hold me close, never let go

If you let go of me, I’ll fly away

Away from this place

A place unknown to you

You will ask around, ask to hear my voice again

But once again, I’ll be away, away from you

All I need is for you to be honest with me

And tell me, “Baby, I’m in love with you.”
