
She walks up the street

Head down

Hood up

The pavement is her catwalk and the rain is her music

She walks confidently

Taking her time with each stride

Dancing with the wind at her side

They are scared

Scared because her face is unseen

Scared because of the colour of her skin

But she is human

As real and as human as you or me

Yet they move swiftly to the other side of the street


She continues up the street

She notices a bunch of men behind her

That does not seem to change her manner

But she is aware

Aware of the potential risk

She plans her escape route in case things should go awry

They see her

They laugh and giggle

She notices that too, so her pace increases by two.

They follow her,

and just as she was about to turn the corner

They pass in front of her, smile, and keep on walking.


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